Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ended the vacation at Bali...

Beautiful sunset in Bali, ended my three weeks holiday... 16 January - 7 February...

The first stage of my holiday, was spent with friends in Jakarta, Bandung, and Pengandaran.
Hardly traveled in my own country, I was amazed by the beautiful beach and adventurous river at Pengandaran. Made me realized that Indonesia, my own country, has a lot to offer, that I need to explore my own country...

The second stage was in Japan.
I was planning to clean my room, but could not make it before my mom and my youngest sister came. They did the cleaning in one day :)
The rest, we spent the cold winter days in Japan, going around Yokohama to see the remaining of Chinese New Year celebration, going to Tokyo Disney Sea, going to Akihabara to popular Maid Cafe and meeting old friends there, going to Kamakura at Setsubun day, enjoying the Cosplay show in Harajuku.
After my mom and sister left, I went to Nara to visit my retiring Profesor, also to meet old friends there, also paid a last visit to my beloved Okasan, who passed away one day before I arrived in Japan.

The last stage was one day in Seminyak Bali, enjoying the Spa and beautiful sunset at the beach.
Here are some pictures, taken on the last day in Bali...





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