Traveling this time to
Arrived in the airport early morning after less than 40 minutes flight from
Nearby, there is Bab Al-Bahrain, or Gate to
I ate breakfast in a local stall, eating Bahraini bread (like Indian chapatti) and beef curry. The owner and his friends invited me to chat, making me feel that Bahraini people are friendly people.
I drove a little far to the south to the F-1 Grand Prix Race Track, since according to Lonely Planet, there would be a tour at 2pm. Bahrain is such a small island, and the road is very established that I could go to the place less than 30 minutes.
Since there was time before
When I went to the F-1 Race Track, they told me that the tour was not available that day and suggested me to join the next day tour (Friday) from
A bit disappointed, I reserved the tour (BD 5), and headed to nearby Al Areen Wild Life Reserve and Al … Beach nearby, both I think it is not worthy to visit.
I returned to my hotel in the evening after a long and tiring traffic jam on Thursday night (due to many Saudian coming for fun?!). Nearby the hotel, there was a good Thai Restaurant which was also selling pork meal. The pork noodle was yummy!
After the dinner, I walked to
The next day, I drove to King Fahd Causeway, the bridge to Arab Saudi.
It was a fantastic drive, with emerald green water both sides, good music from the radio, sunny and bright weather.
After visiting Oil Museum (not open despite I went during opening hours clearly indicated in front of the museum), First Oil Well (near the museum), Tree of Life (a green tree in the middle of the desert), and Horse Race Track, I drove to the F-1 Race Track again to join the tour.
The tour gave us chance to enter the symbolic 8 floors tower, which is during the Race, dedicated only to Royal Family and its guests. The tour was well explained and also included a visit to the
After a visit for buying a T-shirt at Hard Rock Café, I returned to the airport and said good bye to
One left impression is, comparing to other gulf countries,
MJ memanfaatin libur Qatar National Day yang tahun ini kebetulan jatuh di hari Kamis tanggal 18 Desember, digabung dengan hari Jumat yang memang hari libur di sini.
Terbang lebih kurang 40 menit, MJ mendarat di
MJ menyewa mobil di Airport dan menuju ke Bahrain International Hotel, yang sudah MJ buk lewat email.
Melewati jembatan untuk menyeberang ke Pulau
Setelah istirahat sejenak di hotel, MJ jalan2 sekitar hotel, ke Bab Al Bahrain atau Gate to
Tapi karena reklamasi besar2an, bangunan ini jadi terletak di tengah daratan dan jauh dari laut.
MJ makan pagi di warung local, makanan khas
Karena di guide book tertulis ada tour di F-1 Race Track, MJ segera menuju ke Selatan, tempat F-1 Race Track. Tapi setelah sampai di sana, MJ kecewa ternyata tur baru ada keesokan hari.
MJ mampir ke tempat wisata dekat2 sana seperti Al Areen Wild Life Reserve, yang tak lebih dari sekedar kebun binatang, dan juga pantai.
Dalam perjalanan pulang, MJ sempat tersesat jalan n terjebak di kemacetan lalu lintas (gara2 orang2 dari Saudi yang bermalam minggu di Bahrain?!).
Setelah makan malam Pork Noodle di restoran Thai deket hotel, MJ jalan2 ke gedung WTC (World Trade Center) yang tahun ini terpilih sebagai gedung nomer satu di Timur Tengah dan Afrika.
Gedung pencakar langit yang terdiri dari 2 menara kembar yang mungkin berbentuk meniru layar perahu dhow.
Di lantai dasar, terletak Moda Mall, tempat perbelanjaan dengan toko2 merek ngetop seperti Louis Vitton, Channel, Gucchi, Dolce&Gabana dll.
Keesokan harinya, MJ menuju jembatan penyeberangan ke Saudi, King Fahd Causeway.
Driving melewati jalan yang diapit laut berwarna hijau emerald, dengan lagu2 enak dari radio, di cuaca yang cerah, benar2 pengalaman yang mengesankan.
Perbatasan Saudi dengan
Dari pulau ini, tampak di kejauhan, gedung2 di
Setelah mengunjungi
Sambil menerangkan dengan detil tentang F-1 dan Race Track di Bahrain ini, si guide mengajak para peserta tur ke menara simbolik, yang dibuat special untuk keluarga kerajaan untuk nonton Grand Prix F-1. Selama pertandingan, orang awam dilarang masuk ke tower ini.
Si guide mengajak kita2 juga ke
Selesai tur, MJ langsung menuju ke Airport, setelah mampir di Hard Rock Café tuk beli T-Shirt.
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