Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FAME, the movie

Today, I went to watched the movie Fame in Doha, since I had to meet also friends for Brazil travel planning. I was really looking forward to watch this movie, since I love to see dance.
The movie was beyond my expectation. At least, I got 3 scenes that make me feel so touched that my tears came out. Those 3 scenes are:
1. The scene when Denise is singing a song in an empty school hall. This is the first scene in the movie she sang. Her voice was so beautiful, the piano melody and the lyrics were so touching.
2. The scene when Marco is singing a song in his father's restaurant for Jenny. Such a beautiful love song. No wonder Jenny fell for him that night. I wish I could sing a song to win my love :)
3. The scene when Jenny is saying a poet about Success. ...Success is not about money or fame... Success is when you wake up in the morning, you feel like you want to fly out the door, going to work with the people your love, doing the work you love.... Success is about love.... Made me think about my current situation....
The dance and the song, I loved this movie!
3.JennyがSuccess成功についての詩をうたったシーン。・・・成功とは、朝目覚める時、飛ぶようにあのドアを出て、自分の好きな仕事をやり、好きな人たちと仕事をやり・・・ 自分の現状を思わされてしまった~

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